ผลิตภัณฑ์หลัก:โรงงานลูกบอล, ห้องบ่ม, เตาอบ, สายพานลำเลียง


You can immagine,



tomorrow morning you wake up happy to go to your office.



You leave the house and arrive at work:



everyone greets you with admiration, your team is



proud to have a boss like you because thanks to you


they work in a cheerful way.




Your company doesn't know how to repay your


latest successes,


so much so that they are thinking something big


for you...



Sounds like a dream to you, right?




If you are on this page it is because you are looking



for machinery for the production of high level lead






or even worse because you are not happy with the


current suppliers.



If so, I want to tell you something:



I'm Ing. Francesco Marfisi, sales manager of CAM,




and for over 30 years we have been helping our



lead battery



customers to produce lead oxide and cure the



plates in a unique and guaranteed way.




Every year we deliver 'Clean Solutions' to our



customers, managers like you, through lead oxide



equipment and curing chambers.



Although many suppliers will say that if you have



bad lead oxide it is your fault,



we guarantee you good lead oxide, because we



are the lead oxide specialists.



And you too can be part of this large group of


managers who have rediscovered the desire to work


in this sector.



Do you want to know how?



Before purchasing a set of machinery it is normal to


have doubts and want to evaluate the different


options available.



That's why I have a gift for you who dedicated these


precious minutes of your time to me...




I have prepared for you the "LEAD OXIDE AREA


BOX" information kit in which I have included EVERY


SINGLE piece of information you need to know before


evaluating an important investment.





The BOX will help you understand:


The key information you need to know before


purchasing an oxide system



  • What will happen during the consultation with CAM
  • What you should expect after installation
  • What our CAM customers say
  • Project with measurements of a 30 ton mill oxide area
  • Gift with a value of €15,000!!!